Senin, 17 Maret 2008

Why Hakuna matata and poster Spiderman?

Well, "Hakuna matata is wonderful phrase" said Timon friends of Pumba. Both Timon & Pumba are Simba's friends.
They met each other when Simba ran from his herd, betrayed by his uncle Scar. At that time Simba felt loose hope
But Timon and Pumba sang for him a catchy witty song:
Hakuna Matata...Whatta wonderful phrase
'Hakuna matata, it's mean don't worryyy...
for the rest of your daaaayyyy
It's our philosophyyyyyy....
Hakuna matataaaaaaaaa
Yuhuuuuuuu..... Hakuna Matata ... X (fade out)

I felt the same "hakuna-matata's feeling" when my grandfather hospitalized 4 years ago.
I never thought, a military man, strong, fearless, tough oldman, can lied down weakly
with life just depend on machine to keep his heart beating.

I said to myself "dont worry, he'll be okay...he'll recover soon. Then we can talking, chatting, walking
trough mountain to mantain again, dont worry..."

But it never happened. He past away three months later. Cardiac failure and liver disability function was
the caused of his death.

The most precious things that remembered me about him was "He is a Hero" for his children, grandchildren,
even for the country. He just like SPiderman for me, spreading the web of love. Through helping people,
preserve nature, and many other good benevolences. His wisdoms truly inspired me.

I wonder if Spiderman in the movie/comics someday get cardiac disease (UPSS!!)
you know, just like any ordinary person in the world.
BUt, HE IS NoT an ordinary man, HE IS A SUPER-ORDINARY man.

Death can't be revealed. When it's coming, following, catching us, ready or no, it WILL
come forward. AND we ARE all walking toward DEATh.

I hope I can do my best in this life, so everyone who knows me can remember me as a good person ever been.

My idea is about "world without money" everybody can have acces to everything without buying.
That sounds crazy, but life is getting crazier with money within it, right?!!
Robbers, criminals, all bad things come appear for the want of having money.

Well I'm so sorry just kidding..may be the world become worse if money dissapear... HAHAHAHA
There would be no banks, tellers, money changer, currency etc.

No heart feeling, just follow your life as it can be. no cheating.. :D

Hakuna matata don't worry everything is gonna be find

be opthimist

My grandpa's death left many memories of happines especially an endless spirit for never give up in reaching ur dreams come true

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