Rabu, 23 April 2008


(Dr. Ang Peng Tiam)

Shock burns memories into our brains.Years laters, most patients can vividly recall how they felt when the doctor first conformed that they had cancer.
People respond differently to the diagnosis of cancer. Others get angry. I remember the Caucasian lady who took her anger out on me when I told her she had
an agressive brain cancer called glioblastoma multiforme.
She kept telling me that she "lived a very healthy life-eating lots of fruits and vegetables, exercising everyday and drinking lots of water". She felt that her doctors
(a neurologist, the neurosurgeon, the pathologist, the radiologist and I) were simply incompetent.
There are those who accept it as a matter of fact and begin focussing on what to be done. I remember a man, whom I diagnosed with colon cancer. He smiled
at his wife and said: "See, I told you so !"

When told that you have cancer, do not panic! Listen to what the doctor has to say. Ask a friend or relative to come and be with you.
Take your time - ask a many questions as you like. Most doctors are very happy to spend as much time as the patients needs to help him/her understand what
needs to be done.

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