Minggu, 27 April 2008


The three main ways of treating cancer are surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy. For a cancer patient to be cured, we must get rid of the cancer and ensure that it never comes back. So the achieve "cure" means that there is no recurrence in and around the place the cancer was originally found (no local or regional recurrence) and no recurrence in distantsites (no systemic recurrence). Surgery and radiotherapy work hand in hand to ensure that the local site is "thoroughly sterilized". Surgery has to be aggressive to ensure that all cancer that can be seen is removed. Radiotherapy is added to kill any cancer cells that may be left in the area. Chemotherapy is different in that it treats cancer cells which my have escaped from the local site are "hidding" in other parts of the body like the bones, liver or lungs. These microscopic cells which they kill to prevent distant spread (metastases). Is there need a second opinion? It all depends on how confident you are with your doctor. If you want one, consider seeking an opinion at a facility which offers multidiciplinary cancer care. A second opinion can be very important because specialists may have their own preferences in approach.

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